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Probarbus jullieni (Probarbus jullieni)

Common Names - Jullien's Golden Carp, Isok Barb

Probarbus jullieni

Probarbus jullieni, known as Jullien's Golden Carp, is a large and endangered freshwater fish from Southeast Asia, often found in large rivers.


Probarbus jullieni, also known as Jullien's Golden Carp or the Isok Barb, is a large freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. Found primarily in the rivers of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, this species can reach impressive sizes of up to 150 cm. Due to its large size and specific environmental requirements, Probarbus jullieni is not commonly kept in home aquariums but is more suited for large public or specialized tanks. It is also listed as endangered, with populations declining due to overfishing and habitat destruction.

Tank Requirements

Due to its size, Probarbus jullieni requires a tank of at least 1000 liters, although larger volumes are recommended for adults. The water temperature should be maintained between 22-26°C, with a pH of 6.5-7.5 and water hardness (GH) of 5-12. Strong filtration and water movement are essential to mimic the fish’s natural riverine habitat. A sandy substrate, combined with rocks and large driftwood, helps provide a natural environment. Regular water changes are necessary to maintain pristine conditions, as this species is sensitive to poor water quality.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Probarbus jullieni feeds on various invertebrates, plant matter, and detritus. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as shrimp, and vegetables like spinach or peas. Due to their size, they require substantial amounts of food, so offering them a balanced diet in regular, measured portions is essential for maintaining their health and preventing obesity.

Care and Maintenance

Maintaining water quality is critical for Probarbus jullieni, as they are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, pH, and pollution. Regular water changes and the use of a powerful filtration system are necessary to ensure a stable environment. Due to their large size, they may require extra space and tank reinforcement to prevent them from damaging the aquarium setup.


Probarbus jullieni is a peaceful species but may inadvertently harm smaller tank mates due to its size. Therefore, it is best housed with other large, peaceful fish that share similar water requirements. Keeping them in a species-only tank or with similarly sized fish from their natural habitat ensures a peaceful environment. Avoid aggressive species that may stress this relatively gentle giant.


Breeding Probarbus jullieni in captivity is extremely challenging and has rarely been accomplished outside of specialized facilities. They are migratory spawners in the wild, requiring specific environmental triggers like seasonal changes and large river systems. Providing such conditions in captivity is difficult. For aquarists who wish to breed them, creating large breeding ponds with controlled water flow and simulating environmental changes may be necessary. The fry, if successfully bred, require careful feeding with fine plankton or crushed food.

Unverified Information

This article is part of our freshwater aquarium fish catalog and is currently unverified. The information presented here has not yet been reviewed by a specialist. Please use this content as a general reference and verify details from additional sources before making any decisions related to fish care.