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Osphronemus gourami (Osphronemus gourami)

Common Names - Giant Gourami, Gourami

Osphronemus gourami

Osphronemus gourami, commonly known as the Giant Gourami, is a large and impressive freshwater fish from Southeast Asia, admired for its size and striking appearance.


Osphronemus gourami, commonly known as the Giant Gourami, is a large and striking freshwater fish native to the slow-moving rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia. This species is renowned for its impressive size and unique appearance, with a broad, laterally compressed body and large, rounded fins. Giant Gouramis are admired for their calm demeanor and can make a focal point in large aquariums.

Tank Requirements

Giant Gouramis require a spacious aquarium with a minimum volume of 300 liters due to their large size. They prefer a temperature range of 24-28°C and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. The tank should have a soft substrate, such as sand or fine gravel, and include ample swimming space along with hiding spots and large plants or decorations to mimic their natural habitat. A strong filtration system is essential to maintain water quality, and regular water changes of 20-30% weekly are recommended.

Feeding and Diet

Osphronemus gourami is an omnivorous species with a varied diet. In the wild, they feed on a mix of plant matter, insects, and small fish. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as worms, shrimp, and small fish. Offering a varied diet will help maintain their health and enhance their coloration. Feed them 1-2 times a day with portions suitable to their size.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for Giant Gouramis involves maintaining stable water conditions and providing a balanced diet. They are relatively easy to care for but require a large tank to accommodate their size and swimming needs. Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are essential to prevent common health issues such as ich or fin rot. Their calm and gentle nature makes them a good addition to large community tanks with other peaceful species.


Osphronemus gourami is a generally peaceful fish but can be territorial due to its size. They are best kept with other large, non-aggressive species that can tolerate similar water conditions. Suitable tank mates include other large fish, such as other gouramis, large catfish, and certain species of cichlids. Avoid housing them with smaller or overly aggressive fish, as they may become stressed or outcompeted for food.


Breeding Osphronemus gourami in captivity is relatively rare and requires a well-planned setup. They are bubble-nest builders, and breeding can be encouraged by providing a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots and a varied diet. To promote breeding, maintain a temperature around 26-28°C and ensure good water quality. The male will build a bubble nest at the surface, and the female will lay eggs into it. The male will guard the nest and the fry once they hatch. The fry can be fed infusoria or finely crushed food once they are free-swimming. Proper care and monitoring are essential for successful breeding and healthy fry.

Unverified Information

This article is part of our freshwater aquarium fish catalog and is currently unverified. The information presented here has not yet been reviewed by a specialist. Please use this content as a general reference and verify details from additional sources before making any decisions related to fish care.