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Black Sharkminnow (Labeo chrysophekadion)

Common Names - Black Labeo, Black Shark

Labeo chrysophekadion, or Black Sharkminnow, is a large, territorial freshwater fish known for its striking appearance and aggressive behavior. Suitable for experienced aquarists.


Labeo chrysophekadion, commonly known as the Black Sharkminnow or Black Labeo, is a large, robust freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. This species is easily identified by its sleek, dark body and distinctive shark-like dorsal fin. The Black Sharkminnow can grow up to 30-35 cm in length and is known for its territorial and sometimes aggressive behavior, making it best suited for experienced aquarists with large, well-maintained aquariums. In the wild, these fish inhabit rivers, lakes, and floodplains, where they are often found in areas with dense vegetation.

Tank Requirements

Given its size and active nature, the Black Sharkminnow requires a spacious aquarium with a minimum volume of 300 liters. The tank should be well-planted with plenty of hiding spots, such as caves and driftwood, to help reduce aggression and provide territories for the fish. Ideal water conditions include a temperature range of 22-28°C, a pH of 6.5-7.5, and a general hardness (GH) of 5-15 dGH. A powerful filtration system is essential to maintain high water quality and accommodate the fish’s bio-load. Regular water changes are also crucial to keep the environment stable and healthy.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Labeo chrysophekadion is an omnivore, feeding on algae, plant matter, and small invertebrates. In captivity, they should be provided with a varied diet that includes high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and occasional protein sources such as bloodworms or brine shrimp. It’s important to avoid overfeeding and to ensure that food reaches the bottom of the tank where these bottom-dwelling fish prefer to feed. Feeding should be done 2-3 times daily in small portions.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for a Black Sharkminnow requires diligence and regular maintenance. These fish are sensitive to poor water conditions, so it’s important to monitor water parameters closely and perform weekly water changes of at least 20-30%. Due to their size and territorial nature, they may display aggression towards tank mates, especially in smaller or overcrowded tanks. Providing plenty of space and hiding spots can help mitigate aggression. It’s also advisable to rearrange the tank decorations occasionally to break up established territories.


Labeo chrysophekadion is a territorial species that can be aggressive towards other fish, particularly those of similar size or appearance. They are best kept with large, robust tank mates such as large barbs, cichlids, or catfish. Avoid keeping them with small, slow-moving, or timid species that may be bullied or stressed by the Black Sharkminnow. Ideally, they should be the only representative of their species in the tank to prevent territorial disputes.


Breeding Labeo chrysophekadion in captivity is extremely challenging and rarely accomplished in home aquariums. In the wild, they are known to migrate to specific spawning grounds during the breeding season, which is difficult to replicate in an aquarium setting. Successful breeding typically requires very specific water conditions, a large tank, and a lot of patience. If breeding does occur, the eggs are usually scattered and should be removed to a separate tank to prevent them from being eaten by the adults.

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