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Red-Spot Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma)

Common Names - Erythrostigma Tetra

Red-Spot Tetra

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, commonly known as the Red-Spot Tetra, is a vibrant freshwater fish with distinctive red spots.


Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, commonly known as the Red-Spot Tetra, is a striking freshwater fish native to the rivers of South America. This species is admired for its vivid coloration, featuring prominent red spots on a silver body. Growing up to 4-5 cm in length, the Red-Spot Tetra is a lively and hardy fish, making it a popular choice for community tanks.

Tank Requirements

Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma requires a well-maintained aquarium with a minimum volume of 80 liters. The ideal water temperature ranges from 22-28°C, with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5 and water hardness (GH) between 6-12. The tank should be equipped with a good filter and regular water changes. Providing a tank with soft, slightly acidic water, along with plenty of plants and hiding spots, will help mimic its natural habitat.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Red-Spot Tetras consume a variety of small invertebrates and plant matter. In captivity, they should be fed a balanced diet including high-quality flake foods, live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, and daphnia. Offering a varied diet will ensure their vibrant coloration and overall health. Feed them small amounts 1-2 times a day.

Care and Maintenance

Caring for Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma involves maintaining clean and stable water conditions. Regular water changes of 20-30% weekly are recommended to prevent the buildup of waste. Monitor water parameters and adjust as needed to keep them within the ideal range. While the Red-Spot Tetra is relatively hardy, they should still be watched for any signs of illness or stress.


Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma is generally peaceful and can be kept with other small, non-aggressive fish. Suitable tank mates include other tetras, small rasboras, and peaceful bottom-dwellers. Avoid housing them with larger or aggressive species that might harass or intimidate them. Providing a well-balanced community tank will ensure their well-being.


Breeding Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma in captivity can be challenging but rewarding. They are egg-scatterers and require a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water. To stimulate breeding, maintain stable water conditions and provide a varied diet. After spawning, remove the adults to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs will hatch in a few days, and the fry should be fed with infusoria or finely crushed food until they are large enough to eat regular food.

Unverified Information

This article is part of our freshwater aquarium fish catalog and is currently unverified. The information presented here has not yet been reviewed by a specialist. Please use this content as a general reference and verify details from additional sources before making any decisions related to fish care.