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Jerdon's Catfish (Hara jerdoni)

Common Names - Asian Stone Catfish, Hara Catfish, Dwarf Catfish

The Jerdon's Catfish is a small, nocturnal catfish known for its peaceful nature and distinctive appearance. Ideal for smaller, peaceful community tanks.


The Jerdon's Catfish (Hara jerdoni) is a small, nocturnal catfish native to the rivers and streams of India. Known for its peaceful nature and unique appearance, this catfish features a slender body and delicate fins. It typically reaches a size of 4-5 cm, making it a suitable choice for smaller aquariums. Hara jerdoni is well-regarded for its ability to adapt to aquarium life and its preference for a dimly lit environment that mimics its natural habitat.

Tank Requirements

Hara jerdoni thrives in a well-maintained tank with a minimum volume of 100 liters. The ideal water temperature should be between 22-26°C, with a pH level ranging from 6.0 to 7.5 and water hardness (GH) between 5-10. These catfish prefer a tank setup that includes plenty of hiding spots, such as rocks and driftwood, to replicate their natural environment. A gentle filter and subdued lighting are recommended to create a suitable habitat. Regular water changes and good filtration are crucial for their health and well-being.

Feeding and Diet

In the wild, Jerdon's Catfish feed on small invertebrates and organic matter. In captivity, they should be provided with a varied diet including high-quality sinking pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms, and small insects. It's important to ensure they receive a balanced diet to maintain their health and vibrant appearance. Feeding should be done in the evening or at night, as these fish are primarily nocturnal.

Care and Maintenance

Regular maintenance is important for keeping Jerdon's Catfish healthy. Perform weekly water changes of 20-25% to maintain water quality. Ensure the tank has plenty of hiding spots to reduce stress and provide a secure environment. Monitor the fish for signs of stress or disease, and address any issues promptly. Due to their nocturnal nature, observe them during evening hours to ensure they are feeding and behaving normally.


Jerdon's Catfish are peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other small, non-aggressive fish. They are best suited for community tanks with other calm species. Avoid keeping them with larger or more aggressive fish that may intimidate or harm them. Providing a tank with ample hiding places and low-light conditions will help reduce stress and promote a harmonious tank environment.


Breeding Hara jerdoni in captivity can be challenging and requires specific conditions. The fish are known to be egg scatterers, and breeding success often depends on maintaining stable water conditions and providing suitable spawning sites. Creating a breeding environment with gentle water flow and plenty of hiding spots can encourage spawning. After spawning, the eggs should be monitored closely, and the fry can be fed with infusoria or finely crushed food once they are free-swimming.

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