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Botia Dario (Botia dario)

Common Names - Bengal Loach, Queen Loach

Botia Dario

Botia Dario is a small, schooling, brightly colored fish with a playful personality, making it a great addition to a community aquarium.


Botia Dario (Botia dario) is a small but vibrant fish from the Botiidae family, native to Southeast Asia. Adults reach a length of about 12 cm and are known for their bright colors and active behavior. These fish prefer to live in groups and love aquariums with plenty of hiding spots. The Bengal Loach is ideal for community aquariums with peaceful neighbors but is recommended for experienced aquarists due to its specific care requirements.

The main feature of Botia Dario is its bright coloration: transverse stripes of dark and light colors create a striking contrast, giving the fish a decorative appearance. These stripes are more distinct and pronounced than in most other Botia species. The size of Botia Dario is also relatively small—it grows up to 10–12 cm, making it convenient for keeping in medium-sized aquariums. This species exhibits pronounced territorial behavior, making it interesting to observe. However, it is important to choose compatible fish species carefully.

What Makes This Species Unique

  • Active and territorial nature: This species exhibits pronounced territorial behavior, making it interesting to observe. However, it is important to choose compatible fish species carefully.
  • Ability to produce sounds: Botias can produce quiet "clicking" sounds, especially during interactions with each other or in stressful situations. These sounds are part of their unique behavior and communication.

How to Distinguish Males from Females

Distinguishing the sex of Botia Dario (Botia dario) is quite difficult, as sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. However, there are a few signs that can help:

Main differences:

  • Females are larger and have a rounder belly, especially during the spawning period.
  • Males are slimmer and more elongated. Their coloration may be slightly brighter, especially during the breeding season.
  • Males are more active in hierarchical games and often display dominant behavior.

These signs will help you distinguish males from females, but it may require experience and careful observation. Observe the fish in a group and consider their age, as young individuals are almost indistinguishable.

Care and Maintenance

These loaches are quite hardy but require regular maintenance. To ensure their comfort, certain conditions must be met. The aquarium should have a volume of at least 100 liters, as this fish prefers space to swim and should be kept in groups of 5–6 individuals. It is important to maintain stable water parameters: temperature in the range of 24–28°C, pH from 6.0 to 7.5, and hardness of 5–15 dGH. Regular water changes, approximately 20–25% of the volume weekly, will help maintain water cleanliness.

Botia Dario requires good filtration and aeration, as they are sensitive to water quality and prefer an oxygen-rich environment. Lighting should be moderate to avoid stressing the fish and excessive algae growth. To create a comfortable environment, it is recommended to use a soft substrate, such as sand or fine gravel, to avoid damaging their sensitive barbels.

Decorations play an important role in a Botia Dario aquarium. They love to explore and hide, so driftwood, rocks, and caves will be excellent additions. These fish are active but peaceful enough to be suitable neighbors for other non-aggressive species. However, within their own group, they may display mild dominance, which is normal.

Regular aquarium maintenance and careful attention to water parameters will help prevent diseases. Keep the tank clean, avoid overfeeding, and pay attention to the overall condition of the fish. If all conditions are met, Botia Dario will delight you with its active behavior and bright appearance.

Diet and Nutrition

Botia Dario (Botia dario) is an omnivorous fish that in the wild feeds on small invertebrates, insect larvae, mollusks, and plant material. In the aquarium, their diet should be varied to ensure health and vibrant coloration.

Main Dietary Recommendations

  • Live and frozen foods: Daphnia, brine shrimp, bloodworms, and tubifex. Frozen alternatives are also suitable.
  • Dry foods: High-quality flakes and pellets designed for bottom-dwelling fish. It is important to choose foods that sink quickly, as Botias feed primarily on the bottom.
  • Plant-based foods: Vegetables such as spinach, zucchini, or cucumber (blanched beforehand), as well as specialized foods with plant components to balance the diet.
  • Natural supplements: Botias enjoy eating snails, making them excellent "cleaners" for aquariums with an excess snail population.

Feeding Tips

  • Feed small portions 1–2 times a day to avoid overfeeding.
  • Ensure the food reaches the bottom, especially if there are active fish in the aquarium that feed in the upper layers.
  • Once a week, you can arrange a "fasting day" without feeding, which promotes fish health.

A varied diet and proper feeding regimen will help Botia Dario remain active, healthy, and display vibrant colors.

Compatibility with Other Species

Botia Dario (Botia dario) is a schooling and active fish that gets along well with most peaceful aquarium inhabitants. They exhibit social behavior, preferring the company of their own kind, so it is best to keep them in groups of 5–6 individuals. In a group, they may establish an internal hierarchy, which sometimes leads to playful "scuffles" but without serious aggression.

These fish are excellent for community aquariums. Botia Dario prefers non-aggressive neighbors such as tetras, rasboras, danios, and gouramis. They are also compatible with other bottom-dwelling species, such as Corydoras and Ancistrus. However, avoid keeping them with slow or timid species, as the activity of Botias may cause them stress. Also, avoid adding small shrimp, as they may be seen as prey.

Be cautious with large and aggressive fish, such as cichlids, which may intimidate Botias. If the aquarium has plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood, rocks, and caves, it will help reduce stress and create a comfortable environment for all inhabitants. With the right choice of tankmates, Botia Dario will be a wonderful addition to your aquarium, bringing liveliness and activity.

Compatibility with Snails

Botias are known for their tendency to eat snails, so their compatibility with these mollusks is often questioned. In most cases, they perceive snails as a food source. They readily hunt small snails, such as ramshorn snails, bladder snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails, making them popular "cleaners" for aquariums with an excess snail population.

If you want to keep snails in the aquarium, choose larger species with hard shells, such as nerite snails or apple snails. Botias rarely manage to eat such snails due to their size and protection. However, even in this case, the fish may bother the snails, trying to reach their soft tissues, especially if they are underfed.

To minimize snail predation, it is important to provide Botia Dario with a varied and nutritious diet, including live, frozen, and plant-based foods. However, it is unlikely to completely eliminate their interest in snails. If the safety of snails is critical for you, it is better to avoid keeping these species together.

Breeding Botia Dario in the Aquarium

Breeding Botia Dario (Botia dario) in a home aquarium is considered a challenging task. In their natural habitat, they spawn in rivers with fast currents and specific seasonal changes, which are difficult to replicate in an aquarium. However, successful breeding is possible with the right conditions and patience.

Challenges of Breeding

Botia Dario rarely breed in aquariums due to their high demands on conditions. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to accurately mimic natural water parameters and the rainy season. Additionally, they reach sexual maturity only at the age of 1–2 years, making the process long-term.

Conditions for Spawning

For breeding Botias, a separate spawning tank with a volume of at least 100 liters is required. The water should be soft (hardness up to 6 dGH), slightly acidic (pH 6.0–6.5), and with a temperature of about 26–28°C. It is necessary to create a strong current using filters or special pumps to mimic their natural environment. Lighting in the spawning tank should be dim, and the substrate can consist of large rocks or a mesh to prevent the adults from eating the eggs.

Before spawning, males and females should be intensively fed with live and frozen foods, such as bloodworms and brine shrimp, to stimulate their readiness to breed. Males are usually smaller and slimmer than females, which become more rounded during the spawning period due to the maturation of the eggs.

Spawning Process

The female lays eggs among rocks or on smooth surfaces, and the male fertilizes them. The eggs are small and sticky, usually falling onto the substrate or hiding between rocks. After spawning, the parents should be removed from the tank, as they may eat the eggs.

The eggs incubate for 24–48 hours, and the fry begin to swim 3–4 days after hatching. At the initial stage, they should be fed with infusoria or specialized liquid food for fry. As the fry grow, their diet can be expanded to include brine shrimp nauplii and small pellets.

Breeding Botia Dario requires careful preparation and adherence to all water parameters. For beginner aquarists, this process may be too difficult, but for experienced owners, it can be an interesting challenge. Success depends on patience, knowledge, and creating an environment as close to natural as possible.

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