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Strawberry Peacock (Aulonocara sp. Orchid Red)

Common Names - Strawberry Peacock Cichlid

Strawberry Peacock

The Strawberry Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara sp. Orchid Red) is a visually stunning African cichlid known for its vibrant red and orange colors and peaceful nature.


The Strawberry Peacock Cichlid (Aulonocara sp. Orchid Red) is a captivating fish known for its stunning red and orange coloration, this species is a popular choice among cichlid enthusiasts. The Strawberry Peacock is a relatively peaceful cichlid with a tendency to exhibit vibrant colors and elaborate fin displays, particularly when interacting with its environment or during breeding. It is an artificially bred variant, and therefore does not occur in the wild.

Tank Requirements

To provide a suitable environment for the Strawberry Peacock Cichlid, a tank with a minimum volume of 150 liters is recommended. Maintain a water temperature between 24°C and 28°C, and keep the pH level between 7.5 and 8.5. The general hardness should be between 10 and 15 dGH. The tank should be well-filtered and include ample hiding places and territories, such as rocks and driftwood, to simulate their natural habitat.

Feeding and Diet

Strawberry Peacock Cichlid is primarily carnivorous but will accept a varied diet. In the wild, they consume small invertebrates and fish. In captivity, provide high-quality pellets, live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms, and occasional vegetable matter. Feed them 2-3 times a day, ensuring they receive a balanced diet for optimal health and coloration.

Care and Maintenance

Daily care involves monitoring water quality and feeding the fish. Weekly tasks include checking the filtration system, performing partial water changes, and inspecting the fish for any signs of illness or stress. Common health issues include fin rot and external parasites, which can be treated with appropriate medications.


The Strawberry Peacock Cichlid is a relatively peaceful cichlid and can be kept with other non-aggressive fish. They do well in a community tank with other Malawi cichlids and robust species that can handle their occasional territorial behavior. Avoid keeping them with overly aggressive species or very small fish that might be bullied.


Breeding Aulonocara sp. in captivity requires a well-established tank with stable water conditions and plenty of hiding places. Males will display their vibrant colors and perform courtship displays to attract females. The female will lay eggs in a hidden spot, and both parents will guard the eggs and the fry once they hatch. Provide fine food and a safe environment for the fry to ensure their successful growth.

Unverified Information

This article is part of our freshwater aquarium fish catalog and is currently unverified. The information presented here has not yet been reviewed by a specialist. Please use this content as a general reference and verify details from additional sources before making any decisions related to fish care.